Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital
Baltimore, MD
Katharine E. Alter MD is a practicing Pediatric/Adult Physiatrist in the Washington, DC, region of the USA. She is a clinician at Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland, in Baltimore, Maryland. She has previously served as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation at A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Mesa, Arizona, and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
Dr. Alter is recognized as an expert in the assessment and management of spasticity and other movement disorders, including use of ultrasound-guided botulinum toxin injections. Dr. Alter’s current investigative interests focus on advanced ultrasound imaging techniques for the assessment of neurologic musculoskeletal impairments, guidance methods for botulinum toxin and other chemodenervation procedures, and noninvasive functional brain imaging.