The Comprehensive Clinical Management (CCM) workshops provide clinically relevant education that fosters an integrated and comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to achieve the best clinical outcomes for patients with spasticity using a combination of neurotoxin injections and rehabilitation therapy.
The CCM workshops are unique in demonstrating how all aspects of patient care—from pre-injection screening and clinical assessment to post-injection follow up encompassing physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), or speech-language pathology (SLP)—fit into a total therapeutic plan.
These workshops are available in two formats:
On Demand CCM Workshop
This is the on-line presentation of a live virtual workshop, which was streamed on May 1, 2021. The live virtual CCM workshop featured didactic presentations with Q & A sessions as well as video grand rounds featuring patients with spasticity, and an interactive expert panel discussion.
This On Demand workshop will be available until 2022. It is recommended that you view this workshop prior to attending the live, in-person CCM Workshop. This On Demand workshop is 4-1/2 hours long and is accredited by the UUCME for 5.25 CME credits and AOTA for 0.4 CEU. Individuals who obtained CME/CE credits for participation in the virtual CCM workshop that was held on May 11, 2021, may not claim CME/CE credits for viewing the On Demand Workshop.
Live, In-Person CCM Workshop
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Houston Marriott Medical Center
Houston, Texas
This live, in-person workshop will feature interactive video grand rounds with longitudinal patient follow up, live patient assessment and treatment, and parallel specialty sessions for physicians and therapists.
- The therapists’ session will focus on effective communication and teamwork in the management of patients with spasticity, as well as practical approaches to selection and application of effective rehabilitation interventions (within the framework of a targeted home exercise/rehabilitation program).
- The physicians’ session will be a hands-on learning experience focused on ultrasound and other guidance/ localization techniques.
An essential component of this activity is live patient case presentations featuring the interdisciplinary team’s “real-time” assessment, treatment (ie, neurotoxin injections), recommendations for adjunctive rehabilitation therapies, and home exercise programs.